By The Honourable
John Nanfan, Esq; His Majesties Lieut. Governour and Commander in
Chief in and over the Province of New-York, and Territories depending
thereon in America, and Vice Admiral of the same.
WHEREAS in the Confirmation of the Treaty with Algiers, and the additional Article made the seventeenth Day of August last, it is declared by the Algerines, That if any Ship of England be, after the last day of September, 1701. seized by any of their Cruizers, not having a Pass, the Goods in that Ship shall be Prize, but the Master, Men and Ship shall be restored, and the Freight immediately paid the Master to the utmost Value, as he should have had it he had got safe to the Port where he was bound. To the end that the Merchants of this Province may not loose their Effects through Neglect or Ignorance of this matter. I have thought fit, by and with the Advice of His Majesties Council for this Province, hereby to Notifie the same. And for the more effectual preventing the Danger of such Neglect, I do hereby strictly Charge and Command all and every the Officer and Officers of His Majesties Customs within this Province, not to suffer any Ship or Vessel, outward bound, to have its Clearing until the Master, or one of the Owners shall produce an Algerine-Pass, as the said Officer or Officers will answer the same at his and their Perils.
Given under my Hand at Fort William Henry in New-York, this 19th Day of August, 1701. and in the Thirteenth Year of His Majesties Reign.
John Nanfan.
By Order of COUNCIL,
B. Cosens, Cl. Concilij.
God Save the KING.
Printed by William
Bradford, Printer to the King's most Excellent Majesty in
New-York, 1701.
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